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Your hassle-free Plagiarism Checker.
Check your text for plagiarism now.
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Get your Report

Upload and check your documents within seconds. With our comprehensive report you will easily identify the amount of potential plagiarism and matched content in your documents.

If you wish to download your report locally or share it online, you can do so directly as well!

For the curious ones, there are also additional settings enabling you to accomodate and customize your workflow. Do not spend hours checking content manually, when you can do that effectively with PlagScan!

Try the demo report

Here is how PlagScan works:

Results easy to understand

Duplicated text, potential plagiarism and citations are directly highlighted in the text.

Sources are clearly displayed and accessible. The percentage of your text found in other sources is available.

Checking for plagiarism

PlagScan compares your document with:

  • Billions of online sources
  • More than 20.000 scientific journals
  • Your own documents

Upload/Download documents simple and secure

Upload the document you wish to check from your computer, the cloud or by copying and pasting it.The original formatting will be kept. Your document won't be shared with anyone.

Once you get your report, you can download it in different formats to keep a copy locally.

Formats supported: pdf, txt, doc, docx, html, odt, pages, and many more...

Over 2,000 institutions and 1.5 million people use PlagScan!

Tam L.

Studying takes a lot of my time. I’m so happy I found an accurate software that shows potential plagiarism in detail reports. It saves me so much time!

Student at Ho Chi Minh University

Ahmad J.

Among the three plagiarism scanners I have used, PlagScan works best. I use it for all research publications I submit or review. In case of issues, you get answers within hours instead of days. Highly recommended!

Assistant Professor at The University of Toledo

Start your free trial

For everyone

Always stay in full control. No one else has access to your documents.

Award-winning interface

Efficient duplicate analysis and clear report - plagiarism highlighted in the document.


Easy upload from Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive or your desktop.


No subscriptions, pay on demand with our easy prepaid system.

Sign up
Exclusively for organizations
Easy to integrate

PlagScan integrates into your workflow. Our cloud system can be integrated into any LMS or CMS.

Data Management

Administrators can create and manage organizational repositories.


Plagiarism reports can be shared with your colleagues or students.


We are always happy to discuss tailored agreements when needed.

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Why do you need a Plagiarism Checker?

Do you have a paper you want to present at your school or university, but you are not sure how original it is? Are you are a business owner and want to make sure the content on your website is free of plagiarism? Are you about to apply for a job and want to have a unique motivation letter?

The reasons may be countless, however, the ultimate goal is always to preserve the originality of your text. This is where our plagiarism checker comes in. We at PlagScan have developed this educational tool, based on our advanced algorithm, with an integrated 4-in-1 solution:

  • Online plagiarism checker (internet sources)
  • Collusion plagiarism checker (your own documents)
  • In-house plagiarism checker (other users that decided to participate in our database)
  • Publisher plagiarism checker (exclusive publisher data that is not freely available online)

Plagiarism checking report and results

After you have analyzed your document, our plagiarism checker will calculate a percentage of duplicated content and generates an extensive interactive report. You can then:

  • Access the plagiarism report directly in your account,
  • Download in your preferred format, or
  • Share it directly with your peers, professors or employees!
Check out our sample report that contains an already checked document and discover what you can expect from our plagiarism checker!

What to do if the percentage of plagiarism is high?

If you get a high percentage of plagiarism or “PlagLevel”, how we infamously call it – do not despair! Our software calculates an estimate of how much content within your document has been plagiarized and generates a full report based on that. After the plagiarism analysis, you are advised to use this information to your advantage. You are free to rewrite the sections in your document that have been marked down or you can cite them properly, if you have borrowed them from another source. After that, you can rerun the check on the revised document, to confirm your plagiarism percentage dropped!

Our plagiarism checker works with all citation formats and can be customized to your liking! You can choose to:

  • Ignore cited content
  • Highlight it
  • Include the results into the PlagLevel calculation