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Single user

A private account for yourself.

Secure. Always stay in full control. No one else has access to your documents.

Award-winning interface. Efficient duplicate analysis and clear report - plagiarism highlighted in the document.

Smart. Easy upload from Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive or your desktop.

Flexible. No subscriptions, pay on demand with our easy prepaid system.


You represent a university, a school or company.

You represent a university, a school or company. This account contains multiple user accounts, your individual PlagScan portal and many more features for organizations.


Easy to integrate. PlagScan integrates into your workflow. Our cloud system can be integrated into any LMS or CMS.

Data Management. Administrators can create and manage organizational repositories.

Collaborative. Plagiarism reports can be shared with your colleagues or students.

Customization. We are always happy to discuss tailored agreements when needed.