This image will be on top in smaller displays (xs, sm) and on the right side of the text in bigger displays (md and lg), so please don't delete the col-md-pull-x or col-md-push-x classes from the Column Extra class name input
PlagScan can be integrated as an external Schoology app
Use PlagScan's plagiarism checking capabilities and all its features with one single login interface, your LMS, while maintaining full control over PlagScan settings.
The features that come with a Schoology integration:
SSL-Encryption for secure data transit.
Easy integration of PlagScan into your existing LMS workflow.
Affordable pricing.
Access the PlagScan Plagiarism Report conveniently through your familiar interface.
To set up Schoology as an administrator use the following manual:
PlagScan - Schoology Plugin Manual for Admins (put particular attention on Phase 2: Installation)
For your teachers and students we have created the following manuals to support you with the training phase: