We support all popular text formats, as well as ZIP archives of text documents. Depending on the format, a minor change in the original formatting may occur. PlagScan supports the following text formats:

Supported text formats:

Preferred format Formatting will be preserved
docx - Best result for the word report Microsoft Word 2007/2010/2013/2016 [.docx]
pdf - Best result for the browser report Portable Document Format (Adobe Acrobat) [.pdf]
Other possible formats Conversion to .docx, some formatting might be lost
doc Microsoft Word 97/2000/2003/XP [.doc]
txt Plain Text [.txt]
html HTML Document [.html]
pages Pages for MAC (Apple iWork) [.pages]
ppt Microsoft Powerpoint [.ppt]
doc6 Microsoft Word 6.0 [.doc]
doc95 Microsoft Word 95 [.doc]
wps Microsoft Works [.wps]
wpd WordPerfect [.wpd]
odt Open Document Text (LibreOffice) [.odt]
ott Open Document Text [.ott]
rtf Rich Text Format [.rtf]
sdw StarWriter 5.0 [.sdw]
sdw4 StarWriter 4.0 [.sdw]
sdw3 StarWriter 3.0 [.sdw]
sxw OpenOffice.org 1.0 Text Document [.sxw]
Supported formats Formatting will be lost
xlsx Microsoft Excel [.xlsx]
xls Microsoft Excel [.xls]
pptx Microsoft Powerpoint [.pptx]
docbook DocBook [.xml]
ooxml Microsoft Office Open XML [.xml]
pdb AportisDoc (Palm) [.pdb]
latex LaTeX 2e [.ltx]
numbers Numbers for MAC (Apple iWork) [.numbers]
key Key for MAC (Apple iWork) [.key]