Data Policy

Decide which sources you want your document to be compared with.
More information about the Plagiarism Prevention Pool and data protection

Compare with web sources:
Your documents are checked against internet sources.

Check against my documents:
Your documents are checked against your previously uploaded documents.


The following options are only available to organization users.

Check against my documents in the organization repository:
Your documents are checked against your documents stored in the organization repository.

Check against organization repository:
Your documents are checked against all documents stored in the organization repository.

Plagiarism Prevention Tool:
Your document will be compared with a specific collection of open sources, published documents and other PlagScan customers’ archives.


Each organization has a repository for storing documents. This repository is embedded in the plagiarism prevention pool. If an organization opts for a private repository, it will be excluded from the Plagiarism Prevention Pool.

All data from participants of our Plagiarism Prevention Pool are absolutely secure - nobody has direct access to the full text, which is only available exclusively for the plagiarism check.

If you join our Plagiarism Prevention Pool, other users will not be able to see any of your documents completely. They will only see the location of the match. If other users want to see the complete document, they will need your explicit permission. You can grant permission after the other user contacts you through an anonymous email.