1. Sign Up / Register

To check a document for plagiarism you have to register with PlagScan. As an individual user you will receive some test credit which can be activated by clicking on a link we send to you by email. If you have forgotten your password, you can request a new one after entering your email address.


2. Upload a Document

Click on Upload Documents to select your files. To upload several documents at once, select them while pressing and holding CTRL, or select all documents in a folder by pressing CTRL+A.


3. Check

Once you have uploaded the documents selected, you can start the plagiarism scan. Just click on Start check next to every document.

If you want to check multiple documents at once, check the box before each document and then click Check.

4. View Report

Receive the results of the plagiarism scan for the documents being checked. How much time the text analysis takes depends on the size of the document. Usually this takes just a few minutes, and larger documents will be completed by the following day at the latest.

If you want to view your results within the original document (doc/docx), click on Word document (docx) with highlighted text on the menu of the online report. This is just one of four types of reports which you can generate with our plagiarism scan.


You'll find additional useful features in our settings, such as email notifications, automatically scheduled checks and labels for easily organizing larger archives.