Your upload options

Upload a document

You have three options to upload text to PlagScan: You can upload a file, paste text or use web import. The maximum upload size is 100 MB per upload.

To upload your document, click on documents in the top right menu bar.

Here you can view the text formats accepted by PlagScan.

1. File Upload

  1. Click on File upload.
  2. Select the file you wish to upload from your computer.
  3. Confirm by clicking open.

Drag and Drop

You can drag your document from your desktop to the document area of your PlagScan interface.

  1. Click on your document and drag it into the designated field of your PlagScan interface by holding the left cursor key.
  2. Drop the document into the area by letting go of the cursor.
  3. Your document will be uploaded automatically.

If you mark multiple documents, you will be able to drop all of them into the interface.

2. Text Input

  1. Copy the text you want to analyze (CTRL + C).
  2. Click Text input.
  3. Enter a name for your document.
  4. Paste the text (CTRL + V).
  5. Confirm by clicking submit.

3. Web Import

Import text from a web page or a cloud service like Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox or

  1. Click on Web import.
  2. Enter the web address of your text into the bar.
  3. Start uploading the text by clicking Add.

Begin Plagiarism Check

After you’ve uploaded your document using one of the options above, you can begin the plagiarism check.

Click Start Analysis in the same row in which your document is located.

How long the uploading of the file takes depends on the size of the file and the internet speed of your network.

You can turn off your computer after beginning the analysis. The plagiarism check will continue, and you will receive an email as soon as the analysis is completed.


How to Submit a Document

How to Submit a Document

You have received a link or a code for your submission. Either follow the link or enter the code at your organization's submission portal.

  1. Enter your first and your last name as well as the title of your document.
  2. Add a personal message to the professor and comments you want to pass on to him.
  3. Select the document you want to submit from your folder or use drag and drop to upload your file. If your paper is stored online, click web import, and either enter the URL address or choose it from your cloud service.
  4. To receive an email confirmation of your submission, enter your email address under notification email. If you do not wish to receive any emails, just uncheck the checkbox above it. If the submission creator (e.g. your teacher) has allowed it, you can also check a checkbox to receive your report per email.
  5. Click Submit file. The maximum amount of data that can be imported at any one time is set to 100 MB.