Highlights in the Report

PlagScan uses colored highlighting to illustrate potential plagiarism and citations.

The highlighted passages are displayed along with the relevant matches from the Source List. For example, if you click on a red passage, you will notice that the matching source is also highlighted.

There are three different colors for the sources:


Exact matches with the sources.


Matches that may have been paraphrased.


Matches that PlagScan acknowledged as quotes.

Edit Highlighting

There are multiple ways for you to edit highlighting within the report.

Remove Red Highlighting

If you disagree with the suggested red highlights, you can easily remove them:

  1. Select the red text passage.
  2. Click on Remove marking in the upper blue bar.
  3. Confirm your changes by clicking on Save changes.

The match remains listed in the source list but will not influence the PlagLevel.

Whether or not text has been plagiarized can only be decided by you or the person who is reviewing the report. PlagScan simply points out the similarities between the document and the sources found. In case of doubt, a manual comparison is indispensable.

Define Highlights as Quotes

Follow these steps to identify a properly cited text passage:

  1. Select the passage.
  2. Click on Citation in the upper blue bar.
  3. The selected text is now highlighted in green.
  4. Confirm your changes by clicking on Save changes.

Depending on your Settings (under ‘Advanced options' > Citation detection), green passages might not influence your PlagLevel.