Participants and Submissions on the Assignment Details page

As long as you have not invited participants, this area will mainly contain the action button to Add Participants. This lets you add and invite participants to your Assignment. See Add Participants to your Assignment.

Next to the name of Participants you will see information about their status. Participants can only submit after you have invited them. But before you invite them, you should make sure that the Assignment Details (Title, Deadline, Instructions, etc) have properly been set up.

Your participants can be in one of three states:

  1. Added

  2. Invited

  3. Submitted

Depending on this status, you have different bulk actions available for selected participants. On each participant’s row on the right side we suggest the next action, for example ‘Invite participant’.

  1. Added means people are saved in the Particpants list for your Assignment, but have not yet received an invite email. Next to the participants name it will show Invite not sent yet. You can use the Invite participant button on the right side of the row to invite a participant.

  2. Invited means that your participants have already received the invitation to your Assignment by email (and have also been added in the list for your Assignment accordingly). This is indicated with the text No submissions yet next to their names. To the right of this message there is a date that shows when the participant was last contacted.

  3. Depending on your organization's policies the participants need to log in or even register. If your organization does not allow self sign up, please contact your PlagScan administrator and show him this manual about how to enable self sign up for guest accounts .
    For admin manual: If your organization doesn’t require an account to submit, everyone with the submission link will be able to submit and there will be no need for registering a PlagScan account within your organization.

  4. Once a particpant submits a document to your Assignment, you will be able to see the name of their document next to their own name instead of a status text. If you click it, it will open the submitted document in a new window. The date next to the document changes from showing the invitation date to the upload date for the submitted document.
    If you think someone is going to be late, you can use the Remind button to send them an email as a reminder to submit to your Assignment. This also updates the date and time when the participant was last contacted.
    After your participants submitted a document and the plagiarism analysis is done, you can select the participants and click on Download reports for selected participants to download a ZIP with all reports (including original documents) from the selected participants. The download will start automatically.
    If participants leave a personal message while submitting, you can view it by moving the mouse over the Uploader Message icon. The date next to the document shows the upload date.

    Warning: If you notice that participants you added did not get saved when revisiting your Assignment Particpants & Submission list, it might be due to a policy of your organization. In that case, please contact your PlagScan administrator. If you are the administrator, read on how to change the policy to require accounts for submission.

Actions on the Participants and Submissions list

PlagScan suggests different options on the right side of each participant’s row. But we also offer you the possibility to work in bulk. For this you need to select Participants first. Use the checkboxes on the left for selecting participants. With the one above the list, you can select all participants on the current page.

‍ Download reports for selected assignments

This will download all reports of the selected rows as a compressed ZIP file (including the original documents). This option is available as soon as you check any submitted document.

‍ Remove selected participants

If you want to remove a participant from your Assignment, this is the action to take.

‍ Send reminder to selected participants

This resends the invite email to participants you have already invited once. You can remind someone every 24 hours only.

‍ Invite selected participants

An invite email will be sent to previously added participants. It contains your name, your organization’s name, your Assignments title, your deadline, and a link to your Assignment.

‍ Check selected documents

Start the plagiarism check for selected submitted documents.

You can always test how the submission page looks like if you use the Copy submission link to clipboard button next to the submission code on the right side of the Participants and Submission headline and open that link in a new window.

‍ Add participants

You can always add additional participants. See Add and invite Participants to your Assignment.

‍ Open submitted documents in your Document check area

A click on this icon will lead you to your Document check where you can see more details about the submitted documents, like the number of words. You can delete documents here, too.