Your Assignments overview page

  1. Log in to PlagScan.

  2. Click on Documents (the first link in the top bar).

  3. In the left-hand side menu, click on Assignments. If you don’t see Assignments below PROJECTS, please contact your organizations PlagScan administrator.

  4. Here, any created Assignment will be listed on a paginated overview. At the bottom of the page on the left side you can choose how many Assignments per page you want to be displayed (10 are default). Or browse through the pages of Assignments. On the right side you see how many Assignments you currently have listed overall. Assignments shared with you will also be available in this list. You will notice them by the little Shared with me text next to the Assignment’s title.

  5. If you have not created any Assignments yet, learn how to create Assignments here.

  6. Click on an Assignment’s row to go to the Assignment Details (including Participants and Submissions).

Now you will have access to the following actions:

Search in Assignments

With the search bar for Assignments you can search for text that might be included in the title of an Assignment.

  1. Click on the Search field on the top right.

  2. Type in words you want to search for.

  3. Hit enter on your keyboard or click the search button on the right side of the field (or hit Enter on your keyboard).

  4. To turn off the search, empty the search bar and click the button on the right side of the field (or hit Enter on your keyboard).

Sort Assignments

By default, your Assignments are sorted by creation date and show the newest Assignments first and the oldest Assignments last.

  1. Click on the Sort icon.

  2. Choose what to sort by:

    1. Created: Oldest Assignment first

    2. Created: Newest Assignment first

    3. Due: Earliest Deadline first

    4. Due: Latest Deadline first

    5. Title: Ascending Title from A to Z

    6. Title: Descending Title from Z to A

Download all reports from your Assignments

  1. Click on Download all available reports on the right side of an Assignment to download a ZIP file with all reports (including original documents) for an Assignment.

  2. If you do not see the Download all available reports on the right side of an Assignment, please check if your Assignment has any reports available.

  1. Click the link icon on the Assignment row’s right side.

  2. You’ll see a little alert that confirms copying the link to your clipboard.

  3. You can now paste (CTRL + V) the link to the submission for this Assignment anywhere.

Archive Assignments

  1. Select any Assignments you want to archive. Or, if you only want to archive one single Assignment, click on the Archive button on the right side of the row.

  2. Click on the Archive all selected Assignments icon at the top.

  3. You’ll see a little alert that asks you to confirm the archiving.

  4. Confirm the action by clicking Archive.